Accounting can generate Agency Bill and Direct Bill statements from the Customer Statements tab
Applies to:
- Accounting
- Administrator
Watch our training video or read this article to learn how Accounting can generate Agency Bill and Direct Bill statements in BindHQ by accessing the Customer Statements tab.
There are two sections to this article
Generating Agency Statements is also covered in our Adding and Navigating Agencies articles.
Accessing the Customer Statements page
There are two ways to start generating a statement in BindHQ:
From the Accounting Tab
- Navigate to the Accounting tab and select Reports along the top of the page.
- On the left, select the Receivables subsection, then click Customer Statements.
The Customer Statements page opens.
From the Agency’s Accounting Tab
- Navigate to an Agency’s page and select the Accounting tab.
- In the top right corner of the Agency’s Accounting page, click the More drop-down and select Generate Statement.
The Customer Statements page opens.
Generating a Statement
- In the Select Criteria section, use the Customer field to search for a customer (this field is auto-populated if you generate a statement from an Agency’s Accounting tab), then fill in the statement date range by clicking Pick and using the calendar to fill in the From and To fields.
- In the Select Template section, use the Document field to select a statement template (for example, Agency Bill).
- Click Generate Statement.
A PDF for the specified criteria is automatically generated and downloaded. The statement displays the following information:
- Policy Number - The policy number is listed for each transaction it is associated with.
- Tran # - The transaction (invoice) number.
- Tran Code - The transaction code or line item (for example, State Tax or General Liability).
- Eff Date - The effective date of the invoice.
- Tran Date - The transaction date.
- Due Date - The due date of the invoice.
- Financed - Whether the policy is financed (Yes) or not (No).
- Transaction Type - The transaction category associated with the invoice(s) (for example, Policy Bound).
- Gross Amount - The gross amount of the line item.
- Comm Perc - The commission percentage.
- Comm Amount - The commission amount (dollar value).
- Net Amount - The net amount of the line item (gross amount minus commission amount).
- Current Balance - The net amount of all open transactions for the policy.
Quickly sending a Statement
BindHQ provides a quick way to share agency statements with the retail agents.
- Navigate to an Agency’s page and select the Accounting tab.
- In the top right corner of the Agency’s Accounting page, click the Send Files button.
- The email pane will come up and it will have the agency's accounting contact defaulted as recipient. The default agency statement template will be applied, and the default agency statement file will be attached. (Defaults can by changed in the Admin section by a system administrator)
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